60 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts Every Office Worker...

21 November 2016

Of course, you may not need all 60 of these, but knowing them will make you flexible, fast, and ready to work with whatever tool you’re presented with, whether it’s a Windows PC, a Mac, an Excel spreadsheet, or a Powerpoint slideshow. Plus, there are extras in here for Gmail and Chrome to boot.


A Drunken Astronomer, a 2,500 Year Old Brew, and a Lost...

21 November 2016

This week we’re looking into whether polygraph (aka lie detector) tests actually work, checking out a Bronze Age brew that really should be made today, an astronomer whose name you may not know, and more!


Ad blockers are part of the problem

Ad blockers are part of the problem

21 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesEarlier this year, I wrote about bad user experiences on websites and foremost among these were the shitty things some sites do...
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The Difference Between Streets, Boulevards, Avenues, and...

20 November 2016

As you drive around a city, you’ll see streets, avenues, lanes, courts, parkways, and more types of roads than you can count. Turns out, those naming conventions aren’t just for kicks. They actually mean something.


Touché Lets Your Test Drive the MacBook Pro's Touch Bar

20 November 2016

The new MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar is a weird thing that our friends at Gizmodo found a bit lacking, but that doesn’t mean we’re not all a little curious as to how it works. While you obviously can’t make an actual Touch Bar, Touché is an app that gives you a glimpse of an app’s Touch Bar support so you can give it a…

