Give the Gift of Better Cooking and Eating With These...

22 November 2016

The Holidays are fast approaching, which means you need to get to shopping. If someone on your list is serious about cooking, drinking, and eating, we have the perfect tools and toys to make their kitchen a happier, tastier place.


Your Last-Minute Guide to Cooking a Completely Frozen...

22 November 2016

You swore it wouldn’t happen again, but oops—things came up and you still have a giant frozen bird. You don’t have enough time to thaw your turkey safely, so the next course of action? Cook it while it’s completely frozen. It’s possible, safe, and ever so delicious.


What Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, and...

22 November 2016

When an app claims to be powered by “artificial intelligence” it feels like you’re in the future. What does that really mean, though? We’re taking a look at what buzzwords like AI, machine learning, and neural networks really mean and whether they actually help improve your apps.


Stuff Everyone's Stocking With Your Choice of Smartphone...

22 November 2016

No matter how you want to mount your phone in the car, you can do it for $4 today, courtesy of Aukey. Even if you’re all set with these, they’d make awesome stocking stuffers.


Google Images Can Help You Spot Fake News

22 November 2016

It’s easy to hop online and find information on just about anything, but it’s also easy to find unreliable, downright wrong information, too. Google Images can help detect a fake news story written around an image.

