Have I been pwned and spam lists of personal information

Have I been pwned and spam lists of personal information

23 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesOne of the things I'm finding with running Have I been pwned (HIBP) is that over time, my approach is changing. Nothing...
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Transport Hot Dishes In Your Car With a Towel-Lined Box

23 November 2016

If you’re heading to a potluck dinner or on making your way to a big family meal, this spill-free transport technique will keep your hot dish nice and warm.


I'm Arden Hoffman, Head of People at Dropbox, and This...

23 November 2016

Technology may come first in Silicon Valley but it’s no easy task creating the infrastructure in which people can do their best work. Arden Hoffman has been creating that framework at Dropbox, where she leads their human resources team in guiding the company’s internal workings and recruiting new talent.


The Lifehacker Guide to Surviving Black Friday

23 November 2016

The Friday after Thanksgiving is one of the best times of the year to score deals on everything from TVs to gadgets, but braving the swarming mass of shoppers is a challenge. These tips will keep you on your toes and ready to snag the deals you have your eye on.


M-Cli Adds Plain Language Controls to Your Mac's Command...

23 November 2016

Playing around with settings in Terminal is a time honored tradition amongst tinkerers, but that doesn’t make any of those commands any less obtuse. M-cli is a tool that provides you with several plain language commands for common actions.

