Find Your Happy Place With Sony Bluetooth Over-Ears For $88

24 November 2016

It’s 2016, and your headphones don’t need wires anymore. Luckily, Amazon’s offering up Sony’s popular and well-reviewed MDRXB950BT Bluetooth over-ears for $88 today. Not only is that an all-time low, it’s actually a whopping $60-$110 off its usual price.


The 50 Free Apps We're Most Thankful For

24 November 2016

It’s the time of year where we all give thanks, and among many other things, we here at Lifehacker are thankful for all the free apps out there that improve our lives (and the developers that make them!) Here are 50 of our favorites.


The Thanksgiving Foods You Can Take Through Airport Security

24 November 2016

If you’re flying home on Thanksgiving or taking leftovers back with you, you may need to take a few treats on the plane. Checking food works in some cases, but fragile items may need to be carried on. Not all food is okay to fly though, and the usual “no liquids, gels, or aerosols” rule applies even to the edible.


EscapeYourBubble Shows You Stories From Outside Your...

24 November 2016

Chrome: Before you sit down to a tense Thanksgiving dinner in an election year, take a moment to see how your family sees the world. EscapeYourBubble shows you what people on the other side of the aisle are seeing.


Grab Our Newest T-Shirt, and Lots of Other Gear in the...

24 November 2016

It’s only been a little while since we launched our official store, but we’ve been working to make some of your LH gear suggestions come to life. Today we have our first new shirt design, something that’ll ring true to you Linux-lovers, or anyone else who lives by the command line.

