Keep Your Vacuum Running Like New In Four Easy Steps

26 November 2016

If you want your vacuum cleaner to keep working as well as it did the day you bought it, you have to keep it clean. Doing these four simple things will make sure it keeps on sucking.


You Can Easily Batch Resize Images With Preview

26 November 2016

Preview is one of the best parts of macOS. It’s an image viewer, lightweight PDF editor, and more. Six Colors reminds us that it’s also probably the simplest way to quickly batch resize a bunch of images.


How to Block Stocks You Don't Want to See In Google Cards

26 November 2016

Google’s card feed will helpfully show you updates for any stocks that you want to pay attention to. However, if you’re getting updates for stocks you don’t actually care about, they’re harder to get rid of. Here’s how to do it.


There Is Secret Lip Gloss Hiding in Your Lipstick

26 November 2016

You know that little pop of color you see at the bottom of certain lipstick tubes? It turns out it’s not just there to help you pick a shade; it actually contains a little bit of bonus lip gloss.


The Difference Between a Button-Up and Button-Down Shirt

26 November 2016

You may not have known there was a difference between button-up and a button-down shirts—and while it’s largely semantic, this video describes both types well, so you know what you’re looking at the next time you shop.

