Give the Gift of a Dash Cam This Year - Five Models Are...

28 November 2016

Vantrue’s popular dash cams are back on sale, and this time around, you get to choose from a whopping five different models.


Take the "Inside View" to Gain Motivation For the Task...

28 November 2016

When you dread having to do a task, you put it off. You probably view it as cumbersome and tedious. However, in many cases, you might actually enjoy the task once you’re doing it. Remind yourself of how you feel while getting stuff done to get the motivation to start.


This Discounted FoodSaver System Will Pay For Itself

28 November 2016

We’ve all had to throw away leftovers or cuts of meat and cheese that spent a little too much time in the fridge or freezer, but vacuum sealing your foods can keep them safe from freezer burn pretty much indefinitely, and dramatically extend their shelf life everywhere else.


Remotely Control Your Fireplace With Google Home and a...

28 November 2016

If you have a fireplace that can be controlled remotely, why not use your voice to turn it on? With a little Raspberry Pi magic, you can turn on your fireplace with Google’s fancy new voice-controlled speaker.


Be the Life of the Party By Playing a Character Like Jim...

28 November 2016

If you want to be the kind of person who can entertain everyone at a large party, you’re gonna need more than your usual charismatic tricks. One way to get and keep the attention of your guests is to play characters.

