Castro Adds Widget Controls for Instant Podcast...

28 November 2016

iPhone: Castro is a great podcast manager for people who prefer to focus on individual episodes as opposed to full subscriptions, and today an update makes accessing those podcasts much faster.


Turn off iMessage When Switching From iPhone to Android

28 November 2016

There are always a few hiccups when you jump ship from one platform to another. If you’re switching to Android from iPhone, for example, don’t forget to disable iMessage.


How to Stop iCloud Calendar Spam

28 November 2016

For the last few weeks, I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting an influx of spam calendar invitations to my iCloud account, often from random counterfeit retailers. “Save 20% on UGGs” one says. “$19.99 Ray-ban&Oakley Sunglasses,” says another.


How “Any Benefit” Mentality Can Throw Your Goals Off Track

28 November 2016

There’s something to be said for saying “yes” to things. You never know what potential opportunities there are in saying yes to an extra project at work or volunteering your time somewhere. However, there’s a problem with this too: you can stretch yourself too thin.


Three Questions to Ask Before Picking Your Battles at Work

28 November 2016

When you disagree with a corporate policy, think your coworker’s idea is terrible, or are convinced your boss isn’t going to get the best results with the program she wants to implement, the solution seems easy: Voice your opposition—right?

