Microsoft's Clip Layer Makes It Easy to Copy Text From...

30 November 2016

Android: Some apps in Android allow you to copy text, but not all of them. The ones that do might make it harder than it needs to be. Microsoft’s new Clip Layer simplifies the task to make your research way easier.


Scientists Spot 'Teetotaler' Gene

30 November 2016

Discovery might one day lead to drugs to control excessive alcohol consumption, researchers say

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Why the Fahrenheit Temperature Scale Makes So Little Sense

30 November 2016

Like most ways of measuring things, the United States uses a different temperature scale than most of the rest of the world. However, the Fahrenheit scale often doesn’t make much sense compared to the Celsius scale. This video explains why.


Don’t Fall for These Holiday Shopping Scams

30 November 2016

It’s easy to get caught up in the craziness of the holidays. You have parties to plan, cards to send, and gifts to buy, and that can be a lot to squeeze into just a few weeks. Don’t let the stress cloud your better judgment. Watch out for these scams that prey on holiday shoppers.


The Wraparound Window Workspace

29 November 2016

Re_on has a gorgeous, huge window with a lovely he set up his workspace right in front of it. It’s beautiful, simple, and despite the lack of curtains, not a bad place to work. Let’s check out some more photos.

