Unlock Ransomed Files With Avast's Four Free Ransomware...

1 December 2016

Ransomware, malware that enables attackers to disable systems or encrypt your data until you pay them, is on the rise. If you’ve become the victim of an attack, these four decryption tools might save the day.


Remains of the Day: SwiftKey Themes Are Now Free

1 December 2016

SwiftKey has made all of the visual themes for their keyboard free for both iOS and Android. The themes adjust the colors and style of the predictive keyboard, but previously cost extra. No longer! That and more in today’s news.


Go Ahead and Make Silly Noises for Your Mechanic

1 December 2016

Mechanics have heard it all when it comes to car troubles—literally. Don’t be afraid to make some silly noises for them.


Write Email With Maximum Efficiency Using This Military...

1 December 2016

If you’re tired of spending all of your time writing email, or feel like your email requests never get properly fulfilled, give this military-based system a shot.


Flexible and Frugal Gift Ideas for People Who Are...

1 December 2016

Around this time of the year, I get messages and emails from folks who are struggling to figure out gifts for the frugal person in their life. What do they get for the person who is very careful with their money and doesn’t seem to want anything?

