43,203 Indian patient pathology reports were left...

43,203 Indian patient pathology reports were left...

5 December 2016
Sponsored by: Terbium Labs — Try Matchlight for free. Fully automated, full private Dark Web Data Intelligence.I'm used to seeing large amounts of personal data left inadvertently exposed to the web. Recently, the...
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Learn How to Brew Your Own Mead at Home

4 December 2016

Mead is a sweet, alcoholic beverage made from fermented honey and water that has a long history and is sure to please most palates. You can find it in stores, or you can make a big batch of it at home for cheap.


Hang Paintings Perfectly with a Fork

4 December 2016

Hanging items on a nail isn’t hard, but it’s always tough to hang something you can’t see. You need the string to thread the nail, but not the wooden frame itself. You could photocopy a template, but your poster or painting might be too big. A simple fork can make the job easier.


Get In the Holiday Spirit With These Frugal, DIY...

4 December 2016

Decorating is a fun holiday tradition, and when you can combine it with a super easy DIY project, it’s even better. This video from GOBankingRates walks you through a few easy DIY Christmas decor projects that are particularly fun for kids.


Use the "If, When, Then" Model to Reprogram Yourself to...

4 December 2016

If you’ve ever written software, you know that if-then statements are the building blocks of any program. That same logic can work on yourself. Using simple if-then or when-then constructs, you can change your own habits.

