This Planner Will Help You Create a Perfect Holiday Menu

6 December 2016

Planning a whole holiday feast can be a bit overwhelming, and there’s no perfect menu out there that works for everyone. Luckily, Food52 has put together a bangin’ holiday meal planner, and it is deliciously customizable.


Ward off Wrist Pain With Anker's $13 Wireless Vertical Mouse

6 December 2016

Whether your current mouse is giving you chronic wrist pain, or you just want to try something different, this 4.2 star rated wireless ergonomic vertical mouse from Anker is only $13 today. In addition to the clever design, it even comes with three adjustable DPI settings and forward/back buttons, which are pretty…


What to Do If Your Performance Review Is Full of...

6 December 2016

Ideally, your boss will communicate with you over the course of a year to let you know what you’re doing right, what you’re doing wrong, and where you need to improve. If they’re not and you’re blindsided at your performance review, here’s how to recover.


All the Body Parts You Can Donate to a Good Cause

6 December 2016

If you’re feeling generous, you have more options than to open your wallet or build a giftable DIY project. You have plenty of homegrown body parts you can donate to people in need. From blood and hair to your entire body, here are things you can contribute to a good cause now, or when you don’t need them anymore.


4K Movies Are Now Available On Google Play

6 December 2016

Google announced today that the Google Play Store will now stock 4K movies for purchase in the U.S. and Canada.

