Cooking Until the Juices Run Clear Is a Bad Way to Tell...

7 December 2016

Cooking a chicken until its “juices run clear when pricked” is pretty standard poultry advice but, according to Cook’s Illustrated, it’s not a very dependable way to tell if your chicken is properly cooked.


How Do You Deal With Burnout at Work?

7 December 2016

Work hard enough for long enough and eventually, you’ll hit burnout. It happens, but it’s never convenient for your boss. So, how do you let your employer know that you need a break before you break?


Gene Therapy Offers Hope to Some Hemophilia Patients

7 December 2016

Small, preliminary trial suggests it may free hemophilia B patients from transfusions

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Avoid the "What the Hell" Effect to Keep From Ruining...

7 December 2016

If you’re debating whether to read the letter your time-traveling friend wrote you, “What the hell?” is an okay justification. However, if you’re about to utterly ruin your diet because you already had a tiny slice of cake, maybe don’t give in so easily.

