The Best Way to Humblebrag Without Sounding Like a Jerk

7 December 2016

Being able to boast about your accomplishments or abilities without making everyone around you roll their eyes is an art form. There’s a time and place for it, and according to a recent study, there’s even a right and wrong way to do it.


I'm Ken Jennings and This Is How I Work

7 December 2016

Ken Jennings didn’t become a household name overnight. He became a household name over exactly 74 nights. Ken, of course, holds the record for the longest winning streak on the television trivia show Jeopardy! and has since become a best-selling author.


Make Crispier Roasted Potatoes by Roughing Them Up First

7 December 2016

Boiling your potatoes with salt or vinegar before you roast them can help make your roasted potatoes come out crispier, but there’s an even better way. All it takes is a little baking soda.


3D Print The Best Present Ever With 20% Off at Shapeways

7 December 2016

If you haven’t taken advantage of Shapeways for the most unique gifts out there, now’s your chance. Grab 20% off everything with the code TECHLOVERS. You can choose from already printed stuff (I got my boyfriend a mini Eames lounge chair last year) or upload a model and create your own. There’s basically a 3D printed…


FindLectures Is a Huge Repository of Free Digital Lectures

7 December 2016

The internet is filled with free educational lectures, and many of those lectures are spread across a variety of platforms, from free university sites to YouTube. FindLectures attempts to provide a single place to search through them.

