

How AI tools like ChatGPT can be used for generating health summaries

27 October 2023
In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector has expanded significantly, with tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT offering innovative methods for data analysis and...
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What could someone do with your DNA data?

What could someone do with your DNA data?

The Implications and Risks of Unauthorized DNA Data Access

8 October 2023
As DNA testing becomes more commonplace, the information it reveals — from our ancestral roots to health predispositions — becomes a tantalizing target for malicious actors. Beyond the obvious concerns of...
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Should I worry about giving my DNA to labs that do...

Should I worry about giving my DNA to labs that do...

With an October 2023 update due to the 23andMe breach

7 October 2023
The internet has made DNA testing a big global business. In the United States and Europe, millions of people have sent samples of their saliva to commercial labs in the hopes of learning something new about their...
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CISA warns of a cybersecurity problem involving...

CISA warns of a cybersecurity problem involving...

Medtronic reported a cybersecurity breach in its Paceart Optima System

12 August 2023
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has announced that Medtronic identified a cybersecurity vulnerability in its Paceart Optima System, a platform that manages cardiac device data. This...
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Inherent Vice and Its Relation to Personal Health...

Inherent Vice and Its Relation to Personal Health...

Managing privacy, security, and safety as your health information technologies decline

20 May 2023
In the field of archival science, the term 'inherent vice' refers to the internal qualities or elements of certain objects that make them naturally prone to deterioration, regardless of the quality of care...
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