For People with Mental Health Woes, Pets Can Be Invaluable

12 December 2016

6 out of 10 patients put furry or feathered friends at the top of their support list, study finds

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Learn to Cut These Seven Different Fruits Like a Pro

12 December 2016

Slicing an apple or a tomato is easy enough, but serving up passion fruit or dragon fruit is a bit trickier. So is finding the most effective way to cut open a coconut, or get every last seed from a pomegranate (although we have you covered there.) Luckily, this handy graphic has tips for seven different fruits you can put to use right away.


How Scientists Determine Fake Art is Fake, a Map of...

12 December 2016

This week, we’re looking into how researchers determine a counterfeit piece of art is actually fake, checking out the story of a 61-year old potato farmer who won an ultramarathon, browsing the map of physics, and more.


No, Wearing Hats All the Time Won't Make You Go Bald

11 December 2016

There are a few things that are known to induce hair loss, but wearing hats isn’t one of them—even if you wear one every day. Here’s the truth about that old wives’ tale.


Use a Raspberry Pi to Display Text on a Scrolling...

11 December 2016

Little LED displays are cheap for the Raspberry Pi, and they’re fun to play around with as you learn how to use the thing. Case in point, Instructables user botdemy’s message board that displays a message sent from a server.

