Make a Star Filter From a CD Case To Add Some Twinkle to...

12 December 2016

Around the holidays you might notice that a lot of photos have a nice twinkly look in which every light looks like a starburst. Photographers achieve this effect with a star filter, but if you don’t feel like shelling out the cash for a professional lens filter, you can easily make your own.


Use the Two-Thirds Rule to Perfectly Fill Any Size...

12 December 2016

Baking is a complicated art. One false move could ruin your whole pie, cake, or batch of muffins. If you don’t have the exact size baking pan a recipe calls for, use the two-thirds rule as a guideline when you swap sizes.


Save Emails to PDF With This Chrome Extension

12 December 2016

You can save any email as a PDF by printing it as such, but if you need to save emails to your hard drive quite often, this Chrome extension lets you PDF an email with one simple click.


iOS 10.2 Is Available With a New TV App, New Emoji, and...

12 December 2016

Apple just released iOS 10.2, which alongside the usual bug fixes included in these incremental updates, also adds in some new emoji and the new TV app.


The Best Voice Recording App for iPhone

12 December 2016

For whatever reason, the iPhone has tons of different voice recording apps, but very few of them do anything more than Apple’s free Voice Memos app. We like Just Press Record because it manages to make itself worth its asking price by offering a different experience and feature set than Apple’s offering.

