Remotely Monitor a Raspberry Pi To See What's Running...

16 December 2016

If you’re running a Raspberry Pi that’s doing something in the background, like working as a security camera system or a weather station, then it’s good to know exactly what it’s up to no matter where you are. Initial State shows off how to build a dashboard that keeps you up to date and notifies you if anything goes wrong.


Astra Gives You Access to Alexa On Your iPhone

16 December 2016

Your iPhone already has Siri on it, but Alexa is integrated into so many services that it easily trumps Siri in that regard. If you’ve ever wanted to use Alexa from your phone, Astra lets you do just that.


Snowshoeing Is a Great Winter Workout

16 December 2016

When it’s too snowy for a trail run but you don’t have a perfect skiing mountain at the ready, snowshoes make a great workout. They essentially let you hike in the winter weather, and you only need about six inches of snow for an outing.


Spruce Up Your Christmas Tree With Garlands of Candy

16 December 2016

There is a certain nostalgic charm to stringing popcorn into festive garlands, but it’s not the only treat you can decorate with. To add color (and sweetness) to your Christmas tree (or Hanukkah bush), string some candy up there too.

