The Most Popular Programming Languages Based On Jobs,...

19 December 2016

There’s no rule that says you have to learn the most popular programming languages, but if you want to code for a living it might be beneficial to know what’s in demand and trending.


Build a Weather Monitoring Station With an Arduino

19 December 2016

We’ve seen Raspberry Pi-powered weather stations before, but if Arduino is more your style, Instructables user Tecwyn Twmffat made one with three Arduinos.


Blanket Your Home In Wi-Fi With the Best Price Ever on...

19 December 2016
Eero 3-Pack, $372

Eero is the first networking company to truly bring mesh networking to the masses, and the last minute holiday rush has brought out the best deal we’ve ever seen on the popular routers.


A First-Person Perspective on How to Tie a Neck Tie

19 December 2016

There a million websites dedicated to explaining the various ways you can tie a neck tie, but watching someone do it is different from doing it yourself. To minimize the mental gymnastics required, YouTuber BeatTheBush had the idea to record a POV video showing a common way to tie a neck tie.

