The Different Types of Friendship Networks and How They...

20 December 2016

College students spend a tremendous amount of time with their friends. One estimate suggests that the average college student spends only 15 hours a week in class but 86 hours a week with his or her friends. But how much do we understand about the role friendships play and how they influence students both academically and socially?


Make Dicing Bacon Easier by Giving It a Quick Freeze

20 December 2016

Bacon, in all of its tasty glory, is a slippery ingredient. A little time in the freezer can make it much more manageable.


Just In Time For Holiday Photos: Crest 3D Whitestrips...

20 December 2016
Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips, $26 after $10 coupon

Let’s say you’ve already upgraded to a good toothbrush; what’s the next step for cleaner teeth? Judging by the user reviews, this 20-count box of Crest 3D Whitestrips is a great place to start. As an added bonus, you’ll even get a pair of express one-hour treatments, so you can see some improvement in time for holiday photos.


Move a Picture-In-Picture Window on Your Mac Anywhere By...

20 December 2016

Picture-in-picture is one of the best new features in macOS Sierra, but when you try to move the video around your screen it automatically snaps to the closest corner. OS X Daily points out you can move it where you want by holding down the Command key.


VSCO for iPhone Now Supports RAW Shooting, Editing, and...

20 December 2016

iPhone: iOS 10 introduced the ability for third-party apps to shoot and edit in the lossless RAW format. Today, the popular editing tool VSCO adds that support.

