Start a New Holiday Tradition to Turn Lonely Holidays...

20 December 2016

The holidays aren’t happy for everyone. Whether you don’t get along with your family, are far from home, or are missing a loved one, there are ways to turn the holidays into a special time. Here’s what we mean.


Study Finds Genetic Link Between Sleep Problems and Obesity

20 December 2016

Restless legs syndrome, schizophrenia also have biological ties to sleep disorders, research suggests

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Some Kids' Genes Might Make Food Ads More Tempting

20 December 2016

Brain scans showed they had more reaction in 'reward center' when viewing fast-food commercials

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Make a Quick Mulled Wine in the Microwave

20 December 2016

The words “mulled wine” most likely conjure up images of big pots, slowly simmering with vino and spices. That’s all good, but the holidays can be hectic, and you may not have time to babysit a bubbling pot. To infuse wine with aromatics without ever turning on your stove, you’ll need to enlist your microwave.


Why Eggs Need to Be Refrigerated in the U.S., But Not in...

20 December 2016

On a recent visit to Paris, I found it so strange that their eggs sat next to dried goods, at room temperature, since I’m used to refrigerating eggs in the U.S. We’re all concerned about the potential of Salmonella to make people sick, but the U.S. and Europe just protect against this threat in different ways.

