Force Yourself to Recharge by Schedule a "Do Nothing...

21 December 2016

Taking care of yourself isn’t just a reward, it’s part of the process. Breaks help you regain focus and come back to work with a fresh perspective, which is why doing nothing is sometimes the most productive thing you can do. Force yourself to recharge by scheduling a “Do Nothing Day.”


Every Big Game Coming Out This Winter

21 December 2016

Winter. The season where we cut open tauntauns in order to keep warm. And where we bundle up with a blanket, some cocoa, and games. Here’s a list of the numerous games coming out during these snowy times.


All the Easy, Impressive Snacks and Desserts You Can...

21 December 2016

Given the festive nature of the holiday season, cooking can veer towards the elaborate, so it helps to have some quick and easy dishes that impress without a ton of effort. As such, I recommend that everyone keep a stock of puff pastry in their freezer, and use it liberally to whip up appetizers, snacks, and desserts.


Start the New Year With a Mechanical Keyboard, Just $40...

21 December 2016
Tomoko Mechanical Keyboard, $40 with code NJAHKNDD

You’ve probably heard a lot of fuss about mechanical keyboards lately, and if not, you’ve at least heard the clicking. If you’re curious to try one yourself without dropping a bunch of money, here’s an entry level model (with numberpad) for $40, one of the best prices we’ve ever seen on any mechanical keyboard.

