The Easiest Way to Open a Bottle of Wine Is With a...

23 December 2016

Simple corkscrews are tricky to master, and expensive corkscrews are, well, expensive. But I haven’t used a corkscrew in years, ever since I saw a pro opening bottles with a simple $5 two-prong cork puller. These devices are cheap, quick, easy, and just about foolproof.


A Year's Worth Of Dating Advice For The Modern Geek

23 December 2016

Another year is on the record books, and with it another couple dozen Ask Dr. Nerdlove columns. Such love, loss, and heartbreak! So much bad sex, so many toxic partners and jealous exes! It was a lot to unravel.


It's Open Thread Friday Before Christmas!!!

23 December 2016

Holy Christmas, what a week! Welcome to Open Thread Friday, brought to you by those oh-so-special elves at Hackerspace.


Finally Get Yourself a Set of Packing Cubes For $11

23 December 2016
MIU Packing Cube Set, $11 with code MCCUBE31

We’ve posted our fair share of packing cube deals this year, but $11 for a pack of four might just be the best we’ve seen yet. This deal is too late to help you with holiday travel, but they’ll make packing your suitcase a little less terrible for years to come.

