Make Yourself Happier by Doing One Creative Thing Every Day

22 December 2016

We know there’s some sort of connection between happiness and using your imagination, but a recent study suggests any creative pursuit—no matter how small—can help you beat the blues. It only takes a single dose of creativity a day.


How to Recycle During the Holidays

22 December 2016

Americans spend about $3.2 billion a year on wrapping paper alone, and that material helps contribute to the extra 25 million tons of garbage tossed out every year during the holiday season. If you want to reduce your waste output, try these holiday recycling tips.


Five Tips for Scoring Big at Your Performance Review

22 December 2016

No matter how happy you are with your job, we’re willing to bet that you have no love for your annual performance review. You know that rite of passage that often happens at the end of the calendar year, where you sit down with your manager and determine what you’ve contributed to the company, if your future goals align, whether you’ve exceeded expectations—and if a promotion and salary hike are in the cards.


Rent Any Digital Movie From Amazon For Just $1

22 December 2016
$1 Movie Rentals. Promo Code MOVIE99.

If you need a way to fill your holiday downtime, Amazon will rent you any movie in their digital catalog for a buck today with promo code MOVIE99. That applies to holiday films, new releases (I’m renting Sully), classics; if you can rent it on Amazon, you can rent it for $1.


App Santa Collects Together Discounts On Some of the...

22 December 2016

App Santa, a little holiday landing page, has collected together a bunch of quality apps for holiday discounts. This year, it happens to be packed with a bunch of our app directory picks.

