Will It Sous Vide? Pretty Wine-Poached Pears

30 December 2016

Hello, friendly friends, and welcome this year’s last installment of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.


Weekly update 15 (the poolside edition)

Weekly update 15 (the poolside edition)

30 December 2016
Sponsored by: Raygun — Improve UX performance with Raygun Pulse — Installs in minutes — Try free for 30 days!Last one of the year! And yes, it's summer, it's hot and I'm doing it by the pool. However, as I say in the...
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Most Popular Features and Essays of 2016

29 December 2016

We do a lot of how-tos and explainers around here, but sometimes we just need to get a rant off our chest or explain some things from hard-earned personal experience. These are our best essays, rants, and features from 2016.


Improve Your Test Scores With the "Hard Start-Jump to...

29 December 2016

Exams can drain your focus and mental energy fast, so it’s best to get the tough stuff out of the way first. This super simple approach to test-taking can help reduce your stress and improve your test scores.


Remains of the Day: The Blue Screen of Death to Become Green

29 December 2016

Microsoft is replacing the notorious blue screen of death with a shade of green. A recent preview build retains the newer BSOD that Microsoft implemented in Windows 8 (with the sad face emoji) but, surprise, it’s no longer blue. What a brave new world. That and more in the news.

