This Week's Most Popular Posts: December 23rd to 30th

30 December 2016

The last week of the year is like one long Sunday afternoon, and we’ve put this quiet time to use by looking at where to watch the best movies of 2016, heralding the end of CyanogenMod, assessing the threat of car hacking, and more. Here’s a look back.


Knotes for Mac Gives You Quick Access to Your Kindle...

30 December 2016

Mac: You can access your Kindle highlights from your Kindle itself, the apps, or the web app, but none of those are particularly handy, especially if you use your Kindle for research. Knotes makes it easier to access those notes right from your Mac.


GoBaby Lets You Rent Strollers and Car Seats at Your...

30 December 2016

iOS: When you travel with kids, lugging their gear can be a major headache. Tiny ones need a car seat to keep them safe, maybe a stroller for when their little legs give out, and a crib to sleep in at your destination. GoBaby helps you find gear you can rent while traveling.


Make a Tasty Weed-Infused Honey With Only Three Ingredients

30 December 2016

A drizzle of honey in a cup of tea can sweeten up your favorite soothing beverage, but a drizzle of weed-infused honey can really enhance the relaxing nature of the drink.


How to Choose and Buy Your First Kettlebell

30 December 2016

If you’d rather not fight for kettlebells at the gym or just want to work out at home, one well-chosen kettlebell is versatile, compact, and pretty cost-effective. You just have to sift through the myriad sizes, brands, styles, and weights. Here’s how to tell what matters and what’s useless.

