There are nearly limitless ways to make money in your spare time. If you want to get a better job, though, make sure that your side hustle is helping you get there.
It may not cost much to mail a letter in the US, but that price is about to go up a tiny bit. The US Post Office is set to raise the price of its Forever Stamps from $0.47 to $0.49, so it’s a good time to get yours while you can.
New Year’s resolutions have a high potential to fail, and that can make the end of every year a huge bummer instead of a celebration. Don’t stress over resolutions this year, and try these forward-thinking alternatives instead.
If you can’t find your funnel, you can make pouring oil, gas, and other liquids easier with this screwdriver trick.
It’s easy enough to build your own Amazon Echo with a Raspberry Pi, but if you really want to step things up, Tinkernut shows you how to hook one of those devices up to a Teddy Ruxpin.