Class Up Your Favorite Drinks With These Stainless Steel...

5 January 2017

For just $5-$6 today, you can sip your drinks in style with a four pack of stainless steel drinking straws, either bent or straight. I own the bent ones, and use them for everything from Coke Zero to Moscow Mules. And don’t worry, they come with a little tube cleaner to help you wash them.


Next Step for Trello Adds Customizable Checklists to...

5 January 2017

Chrome: Trello is an incredibly powerful productivity tool, and Next Step for Trello makes it a little better. The add-on lets you add checklists and check boxes to Trello cards, check them off directly in a card, and arrange them so you see just the next step, all steps, and more.


The Veggie Burgers You Should Buy, and the Ones You...

5 January 2017

Veggie burgers have come a long way since the 80's, and some are actually quite tasty. There are, however, a ton of store-bought options out there—there’s even one that seeps reddish liquid—and choosing can be hard. Luckily, the brave souls at Epicurious taste-tested a whole bunch so we don’t have to.


The Genius Deck Helps Reset Your Brain When You’re Stuck...

5 January 2017

When you take breaks, you come back to your work with a fresh perspective, and if you’re stuck, that perspective can often help you figure out a solution. The Genius Deck helps with this by asking random questions to help you switch gears.


How to Work Out When You’re Still Sore From the Last Workout

5 January 2017

The hardest part of sticking to a workout routine may be starting, but the second-hardest part is showing up to the next workout when everything feels like fire. You’re not off the hook, though! Staying home actually isn’t your best plan of action. Here’s what to do instead.

