Men and Depression: Patrick McCathern, First Sergeant,...

Men and Depression: Patrick McCathern, First Sergeant,...

6 January 2017
Men and Depression: Patrick McCathern, First Sergeant, U.S. Air Force, Retired"Because you have to deal with it. It doesn't just go away." (:30 TV PSA) Men are less likely than women to recognize and seek...
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Three Ways to Refresh a Room by Just Moving the Bed Around

6 January 2017

Whether or not you make resolutions, the new year can make you want to shake things up a bit. If you want to breathe new life into your bedroom without spending any money, consider shifting the bed slightly.


How to Quickly Fix Chromatic Aberration in Photoshop

6 January 2017

Chromatic aberration is the unwanted distortion of colors that you sometimes notice on the edges of your photos. It happens because colors of light have different wavelengths, which means your camera lens refracts them slightly differently. Here’s a quick fix to compensate in Photoshop.


UHP Alarm Clock Forces You to Follow a Specific Path...

6 January 2017

iOS: There’s no shortage of alarm clock apps to choose from, and many of them have creative ways of making sure you get out of bed. UHP Alarm Clock forces you to get out of bed by tracking your path.


This Week's Most Popular Posts: December 30th to January 6th

6 January 2017

The new year is here, the holidays have passed, and we’ve hit the ground running with resolution alternatives, how to make use of an Instant Pot, ways to make money while traveling, and more. Well, first we’ll take a look at hangover cures, and then we’ll hit the ground running.

