Library Extension Finds Books At Your Local Library...

12 January 2017

Chrome: Amazon may be convenient, but nothing beats free. So, when you’re shopping for books on the site, Library Extension will find those same books at your local library. You can even drive to pick them up faster than Amazon can ship them.


Facebook and Messenger Server Update Drained Users...

12 January 2017

A recent server-side update to the Facebook and Messenger apps caused a bug that rapidly drained users’ batteries even more than those apps usually do. Fortunately, it’s been fixed, but you’ll need to restart your apps.


Shine Your Shoes In One Minute For a Quick Polish

12 January 2017

Ideally, we’d have time to keep dress shoes shined all the time. However, sometimes you’ve gotta get to an important meeting in hurry. This video shows how to shine your shoes in one minute.


How to Pick the Right Veterinarian for Your Pet

12 January 2017

A while back, my cat was throwing up a lot. After weeks of expensive tests and X-rays, it turned out she just had a thyroid condition that made her throw up a lot. This isn’t to say the tests were a bad idea, but it made me second guess my relationship with my vet. If you’re looking for a new vet or just trying to see…


The Sierra 10 Desktop

11 January 2017

Reader Alec submitted this desktop that brings a little bit of Windows 10 into macOS, but only the good parts. Mission Control gets a lovely unified look, and there’s an app launcher at the bottom that functions like a taskbar. Here’s how it’s all set up.

