Why You Should Put Tahini in Your Blondies (and Other...

12 January 2017

Tahini is a sesame paste most commonly used in hummus, baba ghanoush, and salad dressings, but it can add moisture and nutty goodness to a whole variety of sweets.


Live Each Day Like It’s Your First, Not Your Last

12 January 2017

Sometimes it’s interesting to think about life in terms of our limited time. If you knew today was your last day, would you be happy with what you’re doing? It’s an interesting question but not a very practical one. When you think in terms of an expiration date, it can be problematic for a couple of reasons.


How to Know If You’re Ready to Start Training for a Marathon

12 January 2017

There’s nothing like an ambitious goal to focus your training, and running a marathon definitely fits the bill. Plenty of mere mortals have completed the 26.2 mile race, but it takes time, planning, and of course an appropriate level of fitness. Here’s how to know if a marathon is a realistic goal for you.


A Clever Way to Bake Several Flavors of Chicken All at Once

12 January 2017

While it’s good to have healthy homemade meals just a microwave beep away, eating the same flavors for days gets boring fast. The next time you pop some protein in the oven, create sections with aluminum foil so you can use different seasonings and bake them all at once for delicious variety. Here’s how.


Get Set For the Super Bowl With This $24, Amplified HDTV...

12 January 2017

All of a sudden, it’s 2017 and the Super Bowl is a few weeks away. If you don’t have cable, but are looking for a cheap and easy alternative to streaming the game, how about this $24 amplified antenna?

