Use the Fibonacci Sequence to Quickly Convert Between...

13 January 2017

Math has tons of fascinating quirks. For example, if you want to convert between miles and kilometers, you can use the Fibonacci sequence to make a conversion with a stunning degree of accuracy.


Right Click Enhancer Adds Tons of Useful Options to Your...

13 January 2017

Windows: The right-click menu in Windows comes with tons of useful options. Right Click Enhancer makes it even better by letting you add custom commands to your context menu.


Will It Sous Vide? Snowstorm Edition

13 January 2017

Hello, beautiful babes, and welcome back to a somewhat unusual but very exciting installment of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.


The Dungeons & Dragons Background Music Playlist

12 January 2017

Tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons or Pathfinder can be incredibly immersive with the right music. This playlist has all the music you’ll ever need to paint a picture for your party.


Weekly update 17 (the veranda edition)

Weekly update 17 (the veranda edition)

12 January 2017
Sponsored by: Barkly - Worried about ransomware in 2017? Learn how runtime malware defense blocks ransomware before it does harm.This is a somewhat shorter, very tired version of my weekly update. As I say in the...
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