Welcome to Your Friday the Thirteenth Open Thread!

13 January 2017

It’s Friday the Thirteenth, Hakerettes. My mom was born on Friday, January 13, 1922, and I’m here — surprising though you may find it — to tell you how lucky we all are. Our friends at Lifehacker are, once again, indulging us by hosting the Friday Open Thread. We have access to the internet so we can easily explore…


Visit Museums to Boost Your Empathy

13 January 2017

Empathy is overwhelmingly important to success. It’s a skill you have to build, and Greater Good suggests that one way to build it is by visiting museums.


When You Actually Should Use Skim Milk Instead of Whole

13 January 2017

Skim milk doesn’t have the most delicious reputation, but there are times when a leaner milk actually works to your advantage. As Dessert Empress Stella Parks points out in the article below, there are times when richness can obscure and mute, rather than enhance flavors.

