Today's Best Deals: Anker PowerCore, Fitness Gear,...

16 January 2017

The newest Anker PowerCore, fitness gear, and the UE Roll 2 Bluetooth speaker lead off Monday’s best deals.


Three Easy Ways to Keep Your Sous Vide Bags Submerged

16 January 2017

If you do any sous-vide cooking at all, you have most likely encountered a stubborn bag of food that just wouldn’t sink. A vacuum-sealing system virtually eliminates this issue, but if you’re not ready to invest in the pricey piece of equipment, Anova Culinary has some helpful tips for keeping your bags submerged.


Base Your Pride On Your Effort, Not Natural Talent, to...

16 January 2017

There’s a blurry line between pride and arrogance, but there are a few ways you can avoid the trap of arrogance. When you’re judging your own value, avoid looking at intrinsic talent and instead focus on effort.


Anker's New PowerCore Battery Pack Is Also a Wall...

16 January 2017

The newest member of Anker’s insanely popular PowerCore battery pack family pulls double duty as a USB wall charger, and you can save 20% at launch with promo code 321KINJA.


Let Your Wallet Rest While You Break a Sweat With This...

16 January 2017

This Gold Box is made for the person that wants that home gym but doesn’t actually have the room for it. The infamous Perfect Pushup is marked down under $30, along with the Ab Carver, and a doorway pull up bar. So basically, there’s no excuse not to work out at home now.

