A Lonely Heart Could Worsen a Cold

31 March 2017

People who feel isolated tend to have worse symptoms, research shows

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Source: HealthDay

Many Women Who Get Breast Cancer Gene Test Don't Need It

29 March 2017

6 out of 10 screened weren't at high risk for the disease, researchers say

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Source: HealthDay

New Technology Makes Gene Mapping Cheaper, Faster

24 March 2017

Researchers decoded DNA of mosquito that carries Zika to prove the point

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Source: HealthDay

Most Cancers Caused by Random DNA Copying Errors

24 March 2017

While habits, environment can be key to the disease, chance plays huge role as well, scientists report

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Source: HealthDay

Scientists Spot Gene for Rare Disorder Causing Deafness,...

24 March 2017

Child must inherit genetic mutation from two deaf parents, researchers said

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Source: HealthDay