3.4.3 Syncing

3.4.3 Syncing

Pairing or Syncing User Accounts with Devices and Data Repositories

1 January 2019

This category is about consumer verification of all devices to which they wish to pair or sync data.

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3.4.4 Storage Security

3.4.4 Storage Security

Security for Data at Rest

1 January 2019
This category is about providing assurance that the consumer’s stored data is secure, regardless of whether it is stored on the consumer’s devices or elsewhere (e.g., in cloud-based servers for an app).
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3.4.5 Transport Security

3.4.5 Transport Security

Security for Data in Transit

1 January 2019

This category is about providing assurance that consumer data is secure when it is moved between the consumer’s device(s) and other locations.

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3.4.6  Data Provenance

3.4.6 Data Provenance

Data Authenticity, Provenance, and Associated Metadata

1 January 2019

This category is about the attribution of sources of data (provenance) and assurance of data authenticity.

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3.4.7  Data Exchange

3.4.7 Data Exchange

Managing Data Exchange & Interoperability on Health Apps

1 January 2019
This category applies only if an app exchanges data with other devices, health apps, and/or HIT systems. If so, there are applicable standards for data format, vocabulary, and transport, to increase interoperability...
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