NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series:...

NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series:...

4 December 2020
NIMH Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Decision-Making and Computational PsychiatryOn November 12, Dr. Martin Paulus, Scientific Director and President of the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR) in...
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Physicians’ Perceptions of a Situation...

4 December 2020
Background: Viscoelastic tests enable a time-efficient analysis of coagulation properties. An important limitation of viscoelastic tests is the complicated presentation of their results in the form of abstract graphs with a multitude of numbers. We developed Visual Clot to simplify the interpretation of presented clotting information. This visualization technology applies user-centered design principles to create an animated model of a blood clot during the hemostatic cascade. In a previous simulation study, we found Visual Clot to double diagnostic accuracy, reduce time to decision making and perceived workload, and improve care providers’ confidence. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the opinions of physicians on Visual Clot technology. It further aimed to assess its strengths, limitations, and clinical applicability as a support tool for coagulation management. Methods: This was a researcher-initiated, international, double-center, mixed qualitative-quantitative study that included the anesthesiologists and intensive care physicians who participated in the previous Visual Clot study. After the participants solved six coagulation scenarios using Visual Clot, we questioned them about the perceived pros and cons of this new tool. Employing qualitative research methods, we identified recurring answer patterns, and derived major topics and subthemes through inductive coding. Based on them, we defined six statements. The study participants later rated their agreement to these statements on five-point Likert scales in an online survey, which represented the quantitative part of this study. Results: A total of 60 physicians participated in the primary Visual Clot study. Among these, 36 gave an interview and 42 completed the online survey. In total, eight different major topics were derived from the interview field note responses. The three most common topics were “positive design features” (29/36, 81%), “facilitates decision making” (17/36, 47%), and “quantification not made” (17/36, 47%). In the online survey, 93% (39/42) agreed to the statement that Visual Clot is intuitive and easy to learn. Moreover, 90% (38/42) of the participants agreed that they would like the standard result and Visual Clot displayed on the screen side by side. Furthermore, 86% (36/42) indicated that Visual Clot allows them to deal with complex coagulation situations more quickly. Conclusions: A group of anesthesia and intensive care physicians from two university hospitals in central Europe considered Visual Clot technology to be intuitive, easy to learn, and useful for decision making in situations of active bleeding. From the responses of these possible future users, Visual Clot appears to constitute an efficient and well-accepted way to streamline the decision-making process in viscoelastic test–based coagulation management.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

A Serious Game Designed to Promote Safe Behaviors Among...

3 December 2020
Background: As many countries fear and even experience the emergence of a second wave of COVID-19, reminding health care workers (HCWs) and other hospital employees of the critical role they play in preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission is more important than ever. Building and strengthening the intrinsic motivation of HCWs to apply infection prevention and control (IPC) guidelines to avoid contaminating their colleagues, patients, friends, and relatives is a goal that must be energetically pursued. A high rate of nosocomial infections during the first COVID-19 wave was detected by IPC specialists and further cemented their belief in the need for an engaging intervention that could improve compliance with COVID-19 safe behaviors. Objective: Our aim was to develop a serious game that would promote IPC practices with a specific focus on COVID-19 among HCWs and other hospital employees. Methods: The first 3 stages of the SERES framework were used to develop this serious game. A brainswarming session between developers and IPC specialists was used to identify the target audience and acquisition objectives. Nicholson’s RECIPE mnemonic (reflection, engagement, choice, information, play, exposition) for meaningful gamification was used to guide the general design. A common and simple terminology was used to suit the broad target audience. The game was tested on various platforms (smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktop computers) by different users during each development loop and before its final release. Results: The game was designed to target all hospital staff who could be in direct contact with patients within the Geneva University Hospitals. In total, 10 acquisition objectives were defined by IPC specialists and implemented into the game according to the principles of meaningful gamification. A simple storyboard was first created using Microsoft PowerPoint and was progressively refined through multiple iteration loops. Articulate Storyline was then used to create two successive versions of the actual game. In the final version, a unique graphic atmosphere was created with help from a professional graphic designer. Feedback mechanisms were used extensively throughout the game to strengthen key IPC messages. Conclusions: The SERES framework was successfully used to create “Escape COVID-19,” a serious game designed to promote safe IPC practices among HCWs and other hospital employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. This game can be obtained free of charge for research and educational purposes. A SCORM (shareable content object reference model) package is available to facilitate results and completion tracking on most current learning management systems.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Evaluation of a Serious Video Game to Facilitate...

3 December 2020
Background: In the United States, the most common sexually transmitted infection, human papillomavirus (HPV), causes genital warts and is associated with an estimated 33,700 newly diagnosed cancer cases annually. HPV vaccination, especially for preteens aged 11 to 12 years, is effective in preventing the acquisition of HPV and HPV-associated cancers. However, as of 2018, completion of the 2- or 3-dose HPV vaccination series increased only from 48.6% to 51.1% in teens aged 13 to 17 years, and this increase was observed only in boys. By comparison, 88.7% of teens had more than one dose of the recommended vaccine against tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap), and 85.1% of teens had more than one dose of meningococcal vaccine. Immunizations for Tdap, meningococcal disease, and HPV can occur at the same clinical visit but often do not. Objective: Vaccination against HPV is recommended for routine use in those aged 11 to 12 years in the United States, yet it is underutilized. We aimed to develop an educational video game to engage preteens in the decision to vaccinate. Methods: Land of Secret Gardens is a metaphor for protecting seedlings (body) with a potion (vaccine). We screened 131 dyads of parents and preteens from 18 primary practices in North Carolina who had not initiated HPV vaccination. We measured vaccination intentions, story immersion, and game play and documented HPV vaccination rates. A total of 55 dyads were enrolled, and we randomly assigned 28 (21 completed) to play the game and 27 (26 completed) to the comparison group. Results: In total, 18 preteens reported playing the game. The vaccination self-efficacy score was higher in the comparison group than the intervention group (1.65 vs 1.45; P=.05). The overall mean decisional balance score trended toward greater support of vaccination, although differences between the groups were not significant.. Vaccine initiation and completion rates were higher in the intervention group (22% vs 15%; P=.31) than in the comparison group (9% vs 2%; P=.10), although the difference was not significant. Conclusions: Video games help preteens in the decision to pursue HPV vaccination. A serious video game on HPV vaccination is acceptable to parents and preteens and can be played as intended. Gamification is effective in increasing preteen interest in HPV vaccination, as game features support decision making for HPV vaccination. Trial Registration: NCT04627298;

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Using Serious Games for Antismoking Health Campaigns:...

2 December 2020
Background: Serious games for health have been gaining in popularity among scholars and practitioners. However, there remain a few questions to be addressed. Objective: This study tests the effects of a serious game and fear appeals on smoking-related outcomes. More specifically, this research aims to understand how serious games function as a more effective vehicle for a health campaign than a traditional medium, such as a print-based pamphlet. Further, while serious games utilize a variety of persuasive strategies in the game’s content, it is not clear whether fear appeals, which are widely used persuasive-message strategies for health, can be an effective strategy in serious games. Thus, we are testing the effect of fear appeals in a serious game. Methods: We created a computer game and a print brochure to educate participants about the risks of smoking. More specifically, a flash-based single-player game was developed in which players were asked to avoid cigarettes in the gameplay context. We also developed an online brochure based on existing smoking-related brochures at a university health center; antismoking messages on the computer game and in the brochure were comparable. Then, an experiment using a 2 (media type: game vs. print) x 2 (fearful image: fear vs. no-fear) between-subjects design was conducted. The study recruitment was announced to undergraduate students enrolled in a large, public Midwestern university in the United States. After a screening test, a total of 72 smokers, who reported smoking in the past 30 days, participated in the experiment. Results: Overall, gameplay, when compared to print-based pamphlets, had greater impacts on attitudes toward smoking and the intention to quit smoking. Further, the game’s persuasive effects were especially pronounced when messages contained fear appeals. When fearful images were presented, participants in the game condition reported significantly more negative attitudes toward social smoking than those in the print condition [F(1,67)=7.28; P=.009; ηp2=0.10]. However, in the no-fear condition, there was no significant difference between the conditions [F(1,67)=0.25; P=.620]. Similarly, the intention to quit smoking [F(1,67)=4.64; P=.035; ηp2=0.07] and susceptibility [F(1,67)=6.92; P=.011; ηp2=0.09] were also significantly different between the conditions, but only when fear appeals were used. Conclusions: This study extends fear appeal research by investigating the effects of different media types. It offers empirical evidence that a serious game can be an effective vehicle for fear appeals.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.