Learning Impact of a Virtual Brain Electrical Activity...

30 December 2020
Background: Virtual simulation is the re-creation of reality depicted on a computer screen. It offers the possibility to exercise motor and psychomotor skills. In biomedical and medical education, there is an attempt to find new ways to support students’ learning in neurophysiology. Traditionally, recording electroencephalography (EEG) has been learned through practical hands-on exercises. To date, virtual simulations of EEG measurements have not been used. Objective: This study aimed to examine the development of students’ theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the EEG measurement when using a virtual EEG simulator in biomedical laboratory science in the context of a neurophysiology course. Methods: A computer-based EEG simulator was created. The simulator allowed virtual electrode placement and EEG graph interpretation. The usefulness of the simulator for learning EEG measurement was tested with 35 participants randomly divided into three equal groups. Group 1 (experimental group 1) used the simulator with fuzzy feedback, group 2 (experimental group 2) used the simulator with exact feedback, and group 3 (control group) did not use a simulator. The study comprised pre- and posttests on theoretical knowledge and practical hands-on evaluation of EEG electrode placement. Results: The Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that the two groups that utilized a computer-based electrode placement simulator showed significant improvement in both theoretical knowledge (Z=1.79, P=.074) and observed practical skills compared with the group that studied without a simulator. Conclusions: Learning electrode placement using a simulator enhances students’ ability to place electrodes and, in combination with practical hands-on training, increases their understanding of EEG measurement.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

A Mobile Serious Game About the Pandemic (COVID-19 - Did...

22 December 2020
Background: No treatment for COVID-19 is yet available; therefore, providing access to information about SARS-CoV-2, the transmission route of the virus, and ways to prevent the spread of infection is a critical sanitary measure worldwide. Serious games have advantages in the dissemination of reliable information during the pandemic; they can provide qualified content while offering interactivity to the user, and they have great reach over the internet. Objective: This study aimed to develop a serious game with the purpose of providing science-based information on the prevention of COVID-19 and personal care during the pandemic while assessing players’ knowledge about COVID-19–related topics. Methods: The study was conducted with the interdisciplinary collaboration of specialists in health sciences, computing, and design at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The health recommendations were grouped into six thematic blocks, presented in a quiz format. The software languages were based on the progressive web app development methodology with the Ionic framework, JavaScript, HTML5, cascading style sheets, and TypeScript (Angular). Open data reports of how users interact with the serious game were obtained using the Google Analytics application programming interface. The visual identity, logo, infographics, and icons were carefully developed by considering a selection of colors, typography, sounds, and images that are suitable for young audiences. Cards with cartoon characters were introduced at the end of each thematic topic to interact with the player, reinforcing their correct answers or alerting them to the need to learn more about the disease. The players’ performance was assessed by the rate of incorrect and correct answers and analyzed by linear correlation coefficient over 7 weeks. The agile SCRUM development methodology enabled quick and daily interactions of developers through a webchat and sequential team meetings. Results: The game “COVID-19–Did You Know?” was made available for free on a public university website on April 1, 2020. The game had been accessed 17,571 times as of September 2020. Dissemination actions such as reports on social media and television showed a temporal correspondence with the access number. The players’ error rate in the topic “Mask” showed a negative trend (r=–.83; P=.01) over the weeks of follow-up. The other topics showed no significant trend over the weeks. Conclusions: The gamification strategy for health education content on the theme of COVID-19 reached a young audience, which is considered to be a priority in the strategy of orientation toward social distancing. Specific educational reinforcement measures were proposed and implemented based on the players’ performance. The improvement in the users’ performance on the topic about the use of masks may reflect an increase in information about or adherence to mask use over time.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.
Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Pursuing an...

Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Pursuing an...

21 December 2020
Director’s Innovation Speaker Series: Pursuing an Innovation Agenda: A New Healthcare ArchitectureOn December 15, Barak Richman, Ph.D., J.D., the Edgar P. and Elizabeth C. Bartlett Professor of Law and Business...
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Health Care Providers’ Performance, Mindset, and...

21 December 2020
Background: Neonatal resuscitation involves a complex sequence of actions to establish an infant’s cardiorespiratory function at birth. Many of these responses, which identify the best action sequence in each situation, are taught as part of the recurrent Neonatal Resuscitation Program training, but they have a low incidence in practice, which leaves health care providers (HCPs) less prepared to respond appropriately and efficiently when they do occur. Computer-based simulators are increasingly used to complement traditional training in medical education, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic era of mass transition to digital education. However, it is not known how learners’ attitudes toward computer-based learning and assessment environments influence their performance. Objective: This study explores the relation between HCPs’ attitudes toward a computer-based simulator and their performance in the computer-based simulator, RETAIN (REsuscitation TrAINing), to uncover the predictors of performance in computer-based simulation environments for neonatal resuscitation. Methods: Participants were 50 neonatal HCPs (45 females, 4 males, 1 not reported; 16 respiratory therapists, 33 registered nurses and nurse practitioners, and 1 physician) affiliated with a large university hospital. Participants completed a demographic presurvey before playing the game and an attitudinal postsurvey after completing the RETAIN game. Participants’ survey responses were collected to measure attitudes toward the computer-based simulator, among other factors. Knowledge on neonatal resuscitation was assessed in each round of the game through increasingly difficult neonatal resuscitation scenarios. This study investigated the moderating role of mindset on the association between the perceived benefits of understanding the terminology used in the computer-based simulator, RETAIN, and their performance on the neonatal resuscitation tasks covered by RETAIN. Results: The results revealed that mindset moderated the relation between participants’ perceived terminology used in RETAIN and their actual performance in the game (F3,44=4.56, R2=0.24, adjusted R2=0.19; P=.007; estimate=–1.19, SE=0.38, t44=–3.12, 95% CI –1.96 to –0.42; P=.003). Specifically, participants who perceived the terminology useful also performed better but only when endorsing more of a growth mindset; they also performed worse when endorsing more of a fixed mindset. Most participants reported that they enjoyed playing the game. The more the HCPs agreed that the terminology in the tutorial and in the game was accessible, the better they performed in the game, but only when they reported endorsing a growth mindset exceeding the average mindset of all the participants (F3,44=6.31, R2=0.30, adjusted R2=0.25; P=.001; estimate=–1.21, SE=0.38, t44=−3.16, 95% CI –1.99 to –0.44; P=.003). Conclusions: Mindset moderates the strength of the relationship between HCPs’ perception of the role that the terminology employed in a game simulator has on their performance and their actual performance in a computer-based simulator designed for neonatal resuscitation training. Implications of this research include the design and development of interactive learning environments that can support HCPs in performing better on neonatal resuscitation tasks.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.

Use of Virtual Reality to Assess Dynamic Posturography...

16 December 2020
Background: The Equitest system (Neurocom) is a computerized dynamic posturography device used by health care providers and clinical researchers to safely test an individual’s postural control. While the Equitest system has evaluative and rehabilitative value, it may be limited owing to its cost, lack of portability, and reliance on only sagittal plane movements. Virtual reality (VR) provides an opportunity to reduce these limitations by providing more mobile and cost-effective tools while also observing a wider array of postural characteristics. Objective: This study aimed to test the plausibility of using VR as a feasible alternative to the Equitest system for conducting a sensory organization test. Methods: A convenience sample of 20 college-aged healthy individuals participated in the study. Participants completed the sensory organization test using the Equitest system as well as using a VR environment while standing atop a force plate (Bertec Inc). The Equitest system measures the equilibrium index. During VR trials, the estimated equilibrium index, 95% ellipse area, path length, and anterior-posterior detrended fluctuation analysis scaling exponent alpha were calculated from center of pressure data. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship between the equilibrium index and center of pressure–derived balance measures. Intraclass correlations for absolute agreement and consistency were calculated to compare the equilibrium index and estimated equilibrium index. Results: Intraclass correlations demonstrated moderate consistency and absolute agreement (0.5 < intraclass correlation coefficient < 0.75) between the equilibrium index and estimated equilibrium index from the Equitest and VR sensory organization test (SOT), respectively, in four of six tested conditions. Additionally, weak to moderate correlations between force plate measurements and the equilibrium index were noted in several of the conditions. Conclusions: This research demonstrated the plausibility of using VR as an alternative method to conduct the SOT. Ongoing development and testing of virtual environments are necessary before employing the technology as a replacement to current clinical tests.

This is the abstract only. Read the full text free (open access) on the JMIR Serious Games website. JMIR is the leading ehealth publisher: fast peer-review - open access - high impact.