If you don’t have strike anywhere matches, and the striking surface on your matchbox has worn out, this last resort trick can help you get a fire going.
Facebook launched its new standalone Facebook and Messenger apps for Windows today, bringing native desktop notifications, a faster News Feed, and a built-in browser to make sharing articles even easier.
The first step (always the hardest, right?) in solving a problem is recognizing you have one. We’re all familiar with the feeling of grappling with a head-scratcher for longer than we’d like. It can take a while to connect the time we’ve lost staring at the screen with the fact that we’re stuck on something and it’s time to try a new approach.
If you have one of those kitchen setups where your trash cans are inside a cabinet, you know it’s always gross to have to open up that drawer when your hands are dirty. Instructables user homesteadonomics came up with a solution to open the cabinet with a kick.
Google’s OnHub router is a pricey, but it’s still a handy smart router. It’s getting even smarter with integration with the automation service, If This Then That.