One of the really nice things about the newest builds of Raspbian is that it comes with just about all the software you need to get running. The downside of that is that all that software takes up a ton of space. points out you can quickly snag about a 1GB back by deleting two apps: LibreOffice and Wolfram.
Screengrabber Warren G Performs Incredibly Bad Rendition Of “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” | Jezebel Helpful Man Patrols Texas Ladies’ Room, Tells Woman ‘You’re Dressed Like a Man’ | Gizmodo Someone Is Finally Trying to Stop This Underground Garbage Fire That’s Burned for Six Years | Gawker I Can’t “Deal” With This |
If you’re a DIYer, whether it’s woodworking, 3D printing, electronics, or whatever else, it’s really easy to get caught up in following a tutorial or guide. Artist Kate Harman reminds us to venture off that path sometimes.
If you’re looking for a DIY way to keep an eye on your baby, Element 14's put together a guide that shows off how to build your own night vision camera with motion detection using a Raspberry Pi.
Celebrities on Instagram love to hawk weight loss products, and one of the biggest trends is the teatox: Herbal “detoxing” teas that are supposed to help you lose weight naturally. Of course, miracle cures don’t exist, and many of these teas are just laxatives.