The Moog Model 15 Synthesizer Stuffs a $10,000 Synth...

3 May 2016

iOS: The Moog Modular Model 15 is one of Moog’s more popular synths, but it retails for around $10,000, which is far too expensive for most of us. If you’ve got an iPad sitting around, you can snag a digital recreation for $30.


Always Dry Your Knives After Washing Them to Keep Them...

3 May 2016

Your knives are among of the most important and most often used tools in your kitchen, so you’ll want to take care of them as best as possible. For both safety and maintenance reasons, make sure you always dry your knives after washing them.


Fold Socks Instead of Rolling Them for Better Organization

3 May 2016

How do you put away your socks? You probably roll them, right? Perhaps with the Army Ranger roll ? Folding your socks into origami-like squares might be more space-efficient.


How Melatonin Helps You Sleep

3 May 2016

If you’re having trouble sleeping, melatonin is a popular and easy remedy. It’s effective for many people, doesn’t have any serious safety issues, and is available as pills or gummies for pennies a dose. It’s also misunderstood, though: melatonin is not a traditional sleeping pill.


Did You Negotiate Your Salary for Your Current Job?

3 May 2016

Even though you shouldn’t be afraid to negotiate a higher salary , many of us don’t do that. This mistake can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over your career lifetime. We’re curious: Did you negotiate a raise or your starting salary?

