The Best Use of a Fitbit Is as an Alarm Clock, Not an...

9 May 2016

The Fitbit is a great activity tracker. It can keep track of your steps, sleep, and activity level, but its best use isn’t tracking your activity at all: It’s as a silent alarm clock, one that gently buzzes you awake and won’t wake anyone else in your house or in bed next to you when it’s time to get up.


Make Fresh Flowers Last Longer With These Six Steps

8 May 2016

Cut flowers will wilt and die pretty quickly if you don’t take care of them properly. If you follow these six steps, however, you should be able to keep them looking fresh and beautiful for much longer.


Build Your Own Two-Player Miniature Cocktail Arcade Cabinet

8 May 2016

Cocktail cabinets are an excellent way to cram a two-player arcade into a small package. DIYer CircuitBeard shows off his build, which uses a Raspberry Pi as the brains. It’s a looker.


When2Leave Sends You an Alert When Traffic Dies Down

8 May 2016

Depending on when you leave the house, traffic can vary from manageable to an absolute nightmare. When2Leave helps you leave at the best time by sending you an alert when traffic dies down.


The Research-Backed Key to Practical Hope: Focus On Your...

8 May 2016

“Hope” sounds like it doesn’t exist outside of movies. It’s impractical to just cross your fingers and hope things get better. If you tie your hope to your own effort, though, it gets a lot more effective.

