Haggle an Expensive Online Purchase Over Live Chat

9 May 2016

You can typically get a discount on big purchases like appliances or electronics, even at large retailers, just by haggling with the sales associate . And if you’re making that purchase online, expert deal hunter Kyle James suggests haggling via live chat instead.


What's Your Favorite Bug Spray?

9 May 2016

Over the weekend, I was so thoroughly ravaged by bug bites that I had trouble getting to sleep last night. More importantly though, Zika is here, and it’s as critical as ever to keep the mosquitos at bay. So please, let’s work together to identify the best bug spray on the market.


The Most Useful, Niche, and Wonderfully Weird iPhone...

9 May 2016

iPhone custom keyboards were a welcome surprise back when they first launched, but over time, it seems like most people abandoned them . That doesn’t mean there aren’t some useful keyboards out there though, and it turns out the more weird and niche they are, the better.


Turn Your Bullet Points Into Career Stories to Make Your...

9 May 2016

You want your resume to stand out. At the same time, you don’t want it to be unconventional to the point that it confuses recruiters and they pass over it . One way to boost your resume and still make it easily skimmable: tell a quick story.


How to Stealthily Tell If a Company Cares About...

9 May 2016

Occasionally working late, heading into the office on a Saturday, and going above and beyond your job description is par for the course when you care about advancing your career. However, that doesn’t negate this other fact: You deserve to work for a company that values your personal life, understands the importance of flexibility, and most of all believes spending time with your family matters.

