3.2.4 Customer Service and Technical Support

3.2.4 Customer Service and Technical Support

Consumer Health App Quality of Service

9 August 2018

This category is about disclosure of the level of customer support available. The specific mechanisms for support (e.g., phone, chat, email, FAQ, online help) are not prescribed by cMHAFF.

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3.3.1 Product Information

3.3.1 Product Information

Consumer Health Appropriate Documentation

9 August 2018
This category is about providing information about the product to consumers and also other parties (e.g., governments, consumer or provider organizations) who have interest in potential purchase, use, endorsement, or...
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3.3.2 Launch App and Establish User Account

3.3.2 Launch App and Establish User Account

Assisting the Consumer with Establishing Access

9 August 2018
This category is about the process of a consumer getting started with an app, potentially including establishing an account. This category is about providing information about the product to consumers and also other...
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Why are wearables not better targeted toward the people...

Why are wearables not better targeted toward the people...

Analysis of the J.C. Herz article at

2 August 2018
SUBJECTIVE: Abstract from the article titled, "Wearable Are Totally Failing The People Who Need Them Most" posted on Wired Magazine: "As the Internet of Things becomes an actual thing, more steps...
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Securing Electronic Health Records on Mobile Devices

Securing Electronic Health Records on Mobile Devices

Guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication: 1800-1

30 July 2018
Using mobile devices to store, process, and transmit patient information has become increasingly popular amongst healthcare providers. When health information is compromised, organizations can face penalties and lose...
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