We’re weeks away from sweltering temperatures, hurricane warnings, and bug invasions. And this year is expected to be an especially hot one in many areas. Before summer hits at full force, make sure you and your home are prepared.
I’m pretty excited for Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, and this desktop, submitted by reader 0BUX to our Desktop Showcase certainly isn’t helping. It looks amazing. Here’s how to make it yours.
Making sushi at home is fun, delicious, and easier than you think. You don’t need special equipment like sushi mats to make perfect rolls. All you need is a kitchen towel, plastic wrap, and your sushi ingredients.
When I think of conversations on YouTube I think of the comment section, one of the last bastions for thoughtful discussions and civility on the internet. (Not.) But YouTube knows that you are talking about videos directly with your friends, so why not bake a messenger right into the app?