If You Want to Lose Weight, You Have to Like Your New...

11 May 2016

If you want to lose weight, you need to change your diet . That doesn’t mean eating nothing but salad for three months while grueling your way to a lower weight, though. You’ll quit before you start if you hate the new lifestyle you’re building for yourself.


WhatsApp Releases Desktop Apps For Windows and Mac

11 May 2016

Windows/OS X: WhatsApp is working hard to become your go-to messenger. Now that it’s free for everyone , you can use WhatsApp on your computer with the new desktop apps.


Qapital Boosts Your Savings Goals With the Power of...

11 May 2016

You’re probably familiar with “keep the change ” programs. Your purchases are rounded up to the nearest dollar, and the difference is automatically deposited into your savings account. Savings app Qapital is based on this idea, but it takes automation to a whole new level. It allows you to turn pretty much anything into a savings trigger, so you can simultaneously save for a goal and practice good financial habits.


The Extremely Pixel-Dense Workspace

10 May 2016

Redditor jamend loves screen real estate, and so do we. He’s rocking four displays in this shot, a 4K display in the center, two 1440p displays on either side, in portrait mode, and a 4K TV just above. Best of all, that’s not all the great gear he uses to get stuff done. Here’s a full rundown.

