Remains of the Day: The Simpsons Quote Search Engine...

12 May 2016

If you’ve gone on Twitter today and follow the right sort of people, you were greeted with a deluge of GIFs from iconic Simpsons scenes. That’s because the wonderful website Frinkiac can now make a GIF of any Simpsons moment, ever.


Make More Buttery-Tasting Mashed Potatoes by Adding...

12 May 2016

Everybody loves the creamy, buttery flavor of mashed potatoes, but there’s a super simple way to make them taste even more buttery. All you have to do is add the milk and melted butter separately.


Do You Buy Music Anymore, Or Just Stream?

12 May 2016

With streaming services like Spotify, Google Play Music, Apple Music, and SoundCloud in the mix, the way we pay for music is a-changin’. Have you gone full streaming? Or do you still buy albums and song downloads?


The Six Qualities of Good Feedback

12 May 2016

No matter what you do for a living, at some point or another you’re going to have to communicate how you feel about someone else’s work. On the surface, giving feedback may sound easy. However, when you’re put on the spot—whether it’s to share your thoughts on a new website design or on a colleague in a 360 review—the moments we’re asked to give feedback can be tough.

