It's Black Cat Friday on the Open Thread!

13 May 2016

Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun.....!


Despite FCC Rules, Linksys Will Keep Its Routers Open...

13 May 2016

Back in 2015, the FCC introduced new guidelines that looked like a threat to anyone wanting to hack and install open firmwares on their routers. They backed off , but a lot of manufacturers are still locking their devices down , just in case. Linksys, the company just announced, isn’t one of them.


The XL Version of Your Favorite Travel Mug Is Down to...

13 May 2016

Contigo’s Autoseal West Loop is far and away our readers’ favorite travel mug, and the supersized 24 ounce model is marked down to $21 today, an all-time low. That’s a lot of coffee!


Your Last Two Weeks: How to Leave Your Job Gracefully

13 May 2016

It’s the final stretch: You’ve quit your job, and now all that stands between you and a different life are those two weeks of notice. Use this time to tie up loose ends and take care of the little details that will make it easier to leave your old job behind and focus on your new one.


The Best Time to Get a New Apartment in Ten Major U.S....

13 May 2016

In general, fall is the best time to search for a new apartment . That varies, though, depending on the city. RentHop took a deeper look at the data in ten different metro areas to see what prices look like throughout the year.

