The 25 Best U.S. Cities for Finding a Job In 2016

18 May 2016

Finding a job can be a struggle, but it always helps to look in the right places. These are the best cities to try and land a job this year, according to Glassdoor.


Poncho Wakes You Up and Tells You the Weather With an...

18 May 2016

iOS/Android/Facebook Messenger: Poncho wakes you gently with music that changes with the weather, offers a simple, useful forecast for the day, provides transit and traffic info, and helps you get through the day with a few GIFs and some jokes—and a cartoon kitty.


All the Important Stuff Google Announced at I/O 2016 Today

18 May 2016

Today, Google dropped a news clusterbomb, launching Android VR, a new Google Assistant, and an Amazon Echo-like Google Home hub. Here’s all the coolest stuff from today’s keynote.


Running on Grass Offers Big Strength and Balance Benefits

18 May 2016

If you mostly run on roads, you’re missing out: Soft and uneven surfaces help to build strength and balance by working some lesser-used muscles in your feet and legs. Even if there’s no picturesque trail or beach in your neighborhood, you still have an option: Run on grass.


Make a Simple, Striking Piece of Abstract Art on the Cheap

18 May 2016

Art on the walls really makes a house feel like a home, but hanging your own art up can make it feel like a gallery. If, like me, you need some guidance in the painting department, check out the following tutorial from Dans Le Lakehouse.

