Discounted swimwear, a portable grilling table, and Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements 14 lead off Thursday’s best deals.
Yesterday, America got a look at the new overtime rule , which will make millions of people who make less than $47,500 a year eligible for overtime pay. You may be wondering: who, exactly, is responsible for making sure I get paid for all my newfound overtime?
Traditional kimchi gets its flavor from fermenting for days, preferably buried in a pot in the yard, but if you need some of the pungent, spicy cabbage right now, ChefSteps has a way to make it in mere hours.
You’ll find tons of self-help books on improving your speaking skills, but improving your listening skills is just as crucial, if not more so in some cases. Check out this video from School of Life and see which “good listening” traits you rock at, and which you can work on.
Need a new swimsuit before you head out to the pool or beach? Amazon’s discounting dozens of them today for men, women, and kids, from a variety of designers as part of a Gold Box deal.