Stop Using the "Sandwich Method" to Give Feedback

19 May 2016

The “sandwich” method of feedback, where you squish criticism between compliments to smooth it over, is played out and everyone knows it. Most of us cringe when we hear someone suggest it, and even when it works, it’s obvious. Adam Grant, author and professor, says it’s time to just give it up, and we agree.


Google's Second OnHub Router Is Down To a New Low Price

19 May 2016

Google’s second OnHub router packed in plenty of smarts , but was a tough sell at its original $220 MSRP. But could you be tempted for $150? That’s a pretty solid price point for any high end 802.11ac router, let alone one with intuitive app control, and the ability to enable certain functions by waving your hand over the top.


The Play Store Is Coming to Chrome OS, Bringing Tons of...

19 May 2016

Today, Google made a lot of Chrome OS users very happy. The full suite of Android apps will officially be coming to Chrome OS soon, starting with a few select devices.


Fences 3 Adds Support for High DPI Monitors and Full...

19 May 2016

Windows: Fences, one of our favorite apps for organizing your desktop , just got better with version 3. Now you can minimize fences to just their title bars so you can hide your desktop clutter while keeping everything easy to find.


Use Diced Tomatoes to Make a Quick, Umami-Packed Broth

19 May 2016

If you find yourself in need of some savory broth, but don’t have any on hand, grab a tomato. Then make this quick, umami-packed liquid for use in curries, soups, or any other recipe that calls for broth.

